Saturday, October 15, 2011

Riding the Bus!

Reasons I love to ride the bus:
  1. It is like being at the fair...I give them money I get to ride!
  2. Saying hello to the bus driver.
  3. Watching people sleep. Specifically their faces.
  4. Interesting accessories - most recent...alligator skin man purse
  5. Watching people board the bus - ecpecially if they have to jog  - even more so if they are jogging with a backpack!
  6. Smiling. People don't have happy faces on when they are on a bus. It is as if they all agreed to be emotionless as not to interact to heavily with anyone else.  I always try to maintain a minimum of a slight grin.
  7. The Robotic voiceover telling you where to get on and off.
  8. Sitting in close proximity to strangers.
  9. Awkward eye contact.
  10. Being relatively unconfident about when to get off...or on sometimes.
  11. Saving the earth!
That is all. It is just a good thing.

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